Alcoa First Methodist Church

617 Gilbert Street, Alcoa TN | Sunday Mornings @ 10:45am
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Sunday Services

We have in-person worship on Sundays at 10:45 AM. It will also be live-streamed here on our website, on Facebook & on YouTube.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to any of our Pastors.

Welcome Home

Welcome to Alcoa First Methodist Church, we are blessed to have you with us. Whether you are a visitor, a new believer or follower of Jesus Christ we want to say Welcome Home.

We Believe

We believe there is one God

We believe there is one God who created all things. We believe God loves all people and considers each to be of sacred worth. We believe God is at work through Jesus Christ to enter into a meaningful relationship with all people. We believe that God desires to redeem all of creation. We believe that God is present with us always through the Holy Spirit who guides and directs those who trust God. We believe that God is at work in people’s lives from birth to death to assist them to become all God intended. We believe we were created to love God and one another. That love calls us to worship God and to serve each other and our community. We are a Global Methodist community of faith and affirm our heritage and theology.

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